Monday, March 25, 2013



 Vaccine victory: Widespread resistance from parents to HPV jab for daughters shows truth is spreading far and wide 

(NaturalNews) Parents with young daughters are increasingly wising up to the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine scam, according to a new study published in the journal Pediatrics. Based on the latest figures, more than 16 percent of parents in 2010 rejected popular HPV vaccines like Gardasil and Cervarix for their daughters citing major safety concerns, this compared to just 4.5 percent of parents in 2008.

In years past, many parents who objected to HPV vaccines for their daughters cited various other reasons such as a lack of need due to their daughters not being sexually active, or just a lack of need for no particular reason at all. But over the course of just two years, the number of parents who objected due to safety concerns jumped by nearly 400 percent, illustrating that parents are catching on to the truth about this deadly vaccine.

Gardasil can cause many deadly side effects, despite the lies of the mainstream media

But Natural News readers know better, as Gardasil alone has been linked to causing serious side effects in tens of thousands of young girls from all across the globe, and death in more than 130 others, according to the latest data compiled by SaneVax, Inc. And since these are only the reported number of adverse events, the actual number of serious injuries and deaths caused by HPV vaccines is likely far higher.

As we have previously reported on many occasions, the Gardasil vaccine is loaded with a toxic stew of deadly chemical adjuvants, genetically-modified (GM) DNA fragments, and other harmful additives known to cause neurological damage, paralysis, and death. The vaccine itself has also never even been shown to provide any legitimate protection against cervical cancer for girls or anyone else.

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