Thursday, August 31, 2006


Vioxx Cousin, Celebrex, Also Found to Cause Heart Attacks

Celebrex is the only COX-2 painkiller still on the market, since the similar drugs Vioxx and Bextra were pulled because of the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Celebrex has been touted not only as a pain reliever but also as a method to prevent colorectal polyps, which can lead to cancer.
A new study did, in fact, find that Celebrex reduced the risk of recurrent polyps, however, a separate analysis found that Celebrex doubled the risk of serious cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks, strokes, heart failure and death. This makes it way too risky to be used for polyp prevention, and, in my opinion, too risky to be used at all.
Unfortunately, Celebrex is making a comeback, with sales expected to exceed $2 billion this year, and its maker, Pfizer, resuming consumer advertising for the drug. If you're taking Celebrex for arthritis, I strongly urge you to read my article about the seven ways to protect your heart using anti-inflammatory alternatives for some tips to relieve chronic pain and inflammation.

New England Journal of Medicine August 31, 2006
Circulation August 30, 2006 (Free Full-Text PDF)
USA Today August 30, 2006
USA Today August 30, 2006

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Monday, August 28, 2006


The Great Bird Flu Hoax
Now at 32% Off List Price ...
Pre-Order The Great Bird Flu Hoax Now

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Saturday, August 26, 2006


Learn How To Heal Yourself - FREE Teleseminar
Mad Cow Disease: Another Reason to Stay Away From Unnecessary Surgeries

Five years ago, I warned you about the more uncommon ways Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, better known as mad cow disease, may spread through the use of tainted blood and improperly sterilized surgical instruments. Perhaps, the possibilities aren't as remote as you'd think, according to a new study.
The key contributors to spreading mad cow disease from infected patients to others depends on the number of times a single surgical instrument is used and the cleaning regimen, which we've seen can be problematic even in the best hospitals.
Applying a mathematical framework, researchers concluded the possibility of spreading mad cow from infected patients through surgical instruments was indeed real, and further research was needed to assess the potential risk. At a minimum, the tracking of surgical instruments needed improvement so tools used on infected patients wouldn't be reused.
Even that could be problematic, considering mad cow may have a longer incubation period, lasting more than 50 years. All the more reason to stay away from hospitals and needless medical procedures by making some sensible lifestyle changes.

Journal of The Royal Society Interface August 22, 2006 Free Full Text Study
Science Daily August 21, 2006

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ADHD Drug Harms Your Child's Heart

A few months ago, it was the risk of hallucinations being added to the warning labels of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drugs. Earlier this week, the FDA asked GlaxoSmithKline to include a new warning on its ADHD stimulant Dexedrine for heart problems.
In addition to alerting users about psychological side effects (delusions and hallucinations) of Dexedrine, the warning cites incidents of sudden death in kids and heart problems among teenagers with structural cardiac abnormalities. Unfortunately, as before, it's not a black box advisory.
Considering all the other advisories for side effects since the ones issued in the spring for hallucinations -- suppressing a child's growth and elevated risks of psychosis, aggression and bipolar disorder -- some health officials are concerned people will avoid being treated for ADHD altogether. And could you blame them?
A safer, better option among many for treating ADHD without the side effects of a potentially toxic drug: Taking a high quality fish or krill oil daily. August 22, 2006

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Avoid NSAIDs Early in Your Pregnancy

With all the problems connected to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) drugs, I'm not surprised to learn how much harm they can do in the womb early in a pregnancy.
Researchers tracked the health of more than 36,000 pregnant Quebec women to identify women who had taken prescription NSAIDs during their first trimester and had babies suffering from congenital problems during their first year.
Of the more than 1,000 women who took NSAIDs early in their pregnancies, almost 9 percent had children with problems versus 7 percent among the remainder of the study group. Even worse, the number of children with multiple congenital problems was higher among mothers who took NSAIDs (16 percent) versus those who didn't (14 percent).
A reminder: If you're searching for safer alternatives to treat your pain, stay away from non-prescription NSAIDs, and look toward more natural treatments.

Birth Defects Research Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology August 23, 2006
EurekAlert August 24, 2006

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Friday, August 25, 2006


Merck's Newest Pain-Killing Alternative to Vioxx

With the number of Vioxx lawsuits -- and courtoom defeats -- climbing, Merck may be setting the stage to pay for them, crowing about the "positive results" of Arcoxia, another worthless painkiller they hope the FDA will approve very soon.
Based on three clinical trials encompassing some 34,000 patients, the Arcoxia's reduced risk of heart problems were similar to those Voltaren (diclofenac) and it caused fewer stomach problems too.
But that doesn't mean Arcoxia is a risk-free drug (an oxymoron if there ever was one) either. Some patients suffered congestive heart failure while taking Arcoxia, and others stopped using it altogether, complaining of high blood pressure. What's more, Merck has kept a tight control on the data and has yet to submit their study to any external review board.
The few details Merck has released may have been enough to whet the appetites of Wall Street for a little while, but not nearly enough to satisfy medical experts including the American College of Cardiology that called the findings a very carefully crafted press release.
When it comes to treating your pain, are you willing to take a chance on a drug -- sold behind the counter or in front of it -- that can cripple or kill you? Following the Total Health Program, while paying special attention to rebalancing your intake of omega-3 fats, can radically reduce your need for any anti-inflammatory drug.

New York Times August 24, 2006 Registration Required
Amherst Times August 24, 2006 August 23, 2006

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Accutane Harms Your Liver, Increases Your Cholesterol

With this latest study regarding more toxic side effects of Accutane, this time, at least, drugmaker Roche can claim users were warned about them.
In the largest population-based study to date, researchers reviewed the medical records of some 14,000 patients (ages 13-50) before, during and after they were treated with Accutane for seven years to track any abnormalities.
Standard Accutane package inserts warn only about 25 percent of patients experience higher triglyceride levels and 15 percent have high liver enzymes. Although liver enzyme levels were lower (11 percent), 44 percent of patients participating in the study had higher trigylcerides. And, as a bonus, almost a third of patients experienced higher cholesterol readings while taking Accutane too.
Unfortunately, many patients believe all these side effects are a bargain when compared to dealing with acne problems. Of course, the average dermatologist won't tell you approaches like Accutane invariably kill the beneficial bacteria in the colon and set the stage for medical problems down the road with chronic yeast infections. And, there's that pesky problem with suicides too...
The best ways to control acne without a potentially toxic drug:
Optimize your insulin levels by reducing, with the plan of eliminating, grains and sugars from your daily diet.
Address the stress that exacerbates your acne and harms your overall health by learning an energy psychology tool like the Emotional Freedom Technique.

Archives of Dermatology, Vol. 142, No. 8, August 2006: 1016-1022
Science Daily August 21, 2006
USA Today August 21, 2006

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FDA Approves a Spray-on Virus to Keep Processed Meats ''Safe''
In its infinite wisdom, the FDA has approved the use of bacteriophages, a mixture of six bacteria-destroying viruses developed to be sprayed on various lunch meats, sausages and hot dogs, potentially making processed meats an even more dangerous food choice than before.
The FDA gave the go-ahead for the spray -- developed by Baltimore-based Intralytix -- to be applied to sliced ham and turkey, hot dogs and other processed meats as a means to prevent listeriosis in adults, children and pregnant women with weakened immune systems.
If you haven't been scared away from processed meats yet, here's one more reason: At one point, the FDA had concerns this spray-on concoction might contain some toxic residue from the bacterial mix of sprays. The agency claims human contact with these residues in small quantities doesn't cause health problems, but are you willing to bet they won't?
By the way, this isn't the last you've heard of Intralytix: The company will soon seek FDA approval for another spray-on bacteriophage made to kill E. coli bacteria on beef. All the more reason to stay away from grain-fed meats, laced with health-harming nitrites, pesticides and antibiotics.

Yahoo News August 19, 2006

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Thursday, August 17, 2006


Use Accutane and Risk Bowel Disease
Here's just another reason among many, you shouldn't be treating your acne problems with Accutane: Doing so elevates your risk of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
After reviewing 85 cases filed with the FDA related to the toxic acne drug between 1997-2002, researchers earmarked Accutane in only 23 cases as a possible cause of IBD. Of the remaining reports, Accutane was judged to be a probable cause in 58 cases and highly probable in 4 others. That means no cases were ever graded as being doubtful ones either.
Despite all the restrictions in place to safeguard child-bearing women -- not to mention the risk of depression and suicide -- researchers flinched, however, when it came to recommending patients avoid Accutane altogether.
Just another reminder, optimizing your insulin levels is the real answer to controlling acne, and reducing, with the plan of eliminating, grains and sugars from your daily diet is the best way to do that.
And because, stress worsens nearly every disease we encounter, including acne, relying on a safe and effective energy psychology tool like the Emotional Freedom Technique to treat it naturally is a far better alternative than a toxic antidepressant.

American Journal of Gastroenterology, Volume 101, No. 7, July 2006: 1569
Scientific August 15, 2006 August 15, 2006

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More Evidence Vaccines Worsen the Avian Flu
Edinburgh University researchers have uncovered another huge hole in the fear-mongering scam that is the avian flu epidemic: Vaccinating chickens against the H5N1 strain may have the opposite effect of worsening the spread of the disease, making all that stockpiling of useless vaccines in America seem even more pointless.
Using mathematical simulations to calculate the spread of the avian flu among flocks of 10,000 caged birds, a minimum 90 percent of the birds would need to be vaccinated just to cut down the risk of an outbreak in half, at best. But that doesn't guarantee some birds won't be infected "silently" anyway.
Scientists believe vaccinating 95 percent would offer a flock enough protection, yett that percentage is difficult to achieve in the real world, which is why Thailand and the UK have ruled out such a program.
Remember, those flu shots being squirreled away in your state to "protect" your health expose you to potent neurotoxins like aluminum and mercury along with other goodies that weaken your immune system, making you far more susceptible to the flu. Safe, natural treatments are always your best defense against the flu.

The Herald August 17, 2006 August 16, 2006

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Monday, August 14, 2006


Free Drug Giveaways: Marketing Trumps Safety

Drugmakers are so desperate to beat all the negative headlines -- think the blinding power of Viagra -- some heavy hitters aren't hesitating to reach into their bag of evil marketing tricks to pull out another insidious maneuver to push their toxic, useless products: When in doubt give them away...
Unfortunately, the drug giveaway is working. Drug wholesaler McKesson Corp. has processed coupons/vouchers from more than 10 million patients for free drugs over the past 12 years alone, even though an embarrassing side effect of one of the giveaway drugs -- Ambien -- can make you eat in your sleep.
Or, what about the obscene practice of giving freebies to children (free music downloads) whose parents buy the useless acne drug Differin? At least in that case, Nestle and L'Oreal felt the heat and promptly dropped the campaign.
Just don't expect the hobbled, fatally compromised FDA to ever take on the drug companies, even though support for a ban is growing. In fact, the FDA considered a study measuring the wisdom of hawking free samples of a bogus drug, but withdrew it.
Remember, as it's currently configured, the FDA works in the best interests of the mega-drug manufacturers, and not you!

Yahoo News August 14, 2006

Western Diet Promotes Toxic Foods That Poison Your Children Childhood obesity

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Saturday, August 12, 2006


Kids Don't Need Suicidal Antidepressants

The recent story I posted about pushing antidepressants on kids in state foster care systems feels all the more tragic and pointless to me, based on new research that found these toxic drugs elevate their risk of suicide.
Researchers reviewed the medical records of some 5,500 Medicare patients (both adults and children) from all over the country who were treated for depression, then separated them into groups who had or hadn't received antidepressants. Among children (ages 6-18), antidepressants raised their risk of attempting suicide by an amazing 150 percent and their chances of dying by a factor of 15.
An interesting caveat: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), except for Zoloft, generally weren't the problem. The serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) Effexor, however, did raise the risk of suicide, along with tricyclic antidepressants.
All this bad news about antidepressants should make it perfectly clear that there is no safe one-pill-cure for depression. Yet, there are many safer things you can do to tame your emotions.
Get to the heart of your emotional pain by learning how to use a safe, effective energy psychology tool like the Emotional Freedom Technique.
Start an exercise program today.
Take a high quality fish or krill oil daily.

Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 63, No. 8, August 2006: August 7, 2006

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The Next Statin Scam: Preventing Strokes

Funny how, not too long after lawsuits against Lipitor surfaced, a new study -- funded by Pfizer -- appears in this week's New England Journal of Medicine that shows how statin drugs may prevent the incidence of a stroke.
The study tracked more than 4,700 patients treated mostly for ischemic strokes and transient ischemic attacks, and almost all of them were taking a useless drug like aspirin for blood clotting.
Although there was virtually no difference in the mortality rate between patients who did or didn't take Lipitor after a stroke, patients without a history of heart disease reduced their risks of a second stroke by 16 percent.
Considering studies funded by drug companies, more often than not, favor the drug being tested it should come as no surprise Pfizer found a silver lining in this study to keep the attention off future legal battles that could detract from the reputation of its prized cash cow on track to make $13 billion in 2006.
Fact is, taking a fish oil chock full of omega-3 fats can do more for your cholesterol and your heart than taking a drug like Lipitor that can harm your immune system.

New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 355, No. 6, August 10, 2006: 549-559

Yahoo News August 9, 2006

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Thursday, August 10, 2006


Vaccines for an Imaginary Pandemic

States Still Reserving Vaccines for an Imaginary Pandemic
As you know, a group of states had been backing away from buying their complete allotments of useless avian flu drugs, amid concerns about the cost and their debatable effectiveness. Apparently, not even state governments are immune to flawed logic born of fear mongering: Forty-three states say they will buy the maximum amount of vaccines for a pandemic that never arrived, and at a discount.
That purchasing "power" depends on their funding ability, however. Take the case of North Carolina that originally asked the feds to reserve its full allotment of almost 900,000 vaccines, although a late July letter from the state said it couldn't be sure how much they would actually buy and how they would pay for it. Sounds like a non-committal commitment to me...
Some states made wiser choices by choosing not to buy the full amount of vaccines allotted to them citing limited resources. Wisely, Colorado state officials remain dubious that a vaccine will work if the phantom pandemic actually does come.
And, the rush to buy a toxic, useless vaccine like Tamiflu just to get it cheaper makes about as much sense as justifying buying something you don't need because it's on sale. Unless it is free, it is more than you should have spent because you don't need it. In the case of North Carolina, that's about 900,000 more than will be needed.
Some safe, natural ways to strengthen your immune system so you'll never need a flu vaccine:
Wash your hands regularly.
Eliminate sugar from your diet.
Eat garlic regularly.

USA Today August 8, 2006
Are You Addicted to Antidepressants?

With all the research mounting against the reflexive use of dangerous antidepressants, it's no wonder patients are looking for safer, more natural ways to treat their emotional pain. But the physical pain some patients experience when trying to taper off their antidepressant medications often can be just as devastating.
In one case, a young woman tried to taper off Paxil a year ago under her doctor's guidance, but couldn't after suffering overwhelming bouts of uncontrollable crying and nausea.
The sad fact, according to a 1997 British study, few doctors know how to manage the weaning process carefully and there is no agreement on how hard or easy it really is to quit taking an antidepressant. Taking an antidepressant can be so problematic after the fact, some doctors won't even prescribe Paxil or Effexor.
The take-home lesson here is to avoid taking depressants altogether and use safer options like the ones listed below to treat the real problem:
Start an exercise plan today!
Learn a safe and effective energy psychology tool like the Emotional Freedom Technique.
Take a high quality fish or krill oil daily.

Yahoo News August 6, 2006

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Getting Prepared For a Disease That Will Never Come

Despite decisions by a number of states to cap their spending on avian flu drugs, hundreds of hospitals in the United States have been equipped with a medical database to help them identify a disease it's likely they haven't seen before, or ever will.
Designers of the Visual DX software system, used in some 350 hospitals in America, a handful of other countries and various health departments, recently added an Acute Pulmonary Infections program intended to help medical professionals identify and differentiate between 40 infectious diseases ranging from a typical case of the flu to the dreaded -- and so far imaginary -- bird flu epidemic.
The system was initially created by dermatologists five years ago to help emergency room physicians make medical diagnoses on the run for rashes and fevers caused by allergic reactions or bug bites. More recently, the program has been beefed up to include information about oral diseases, chemical and radiation injuries, bioterrorism and, now, the so far non-existent avian flu.
Using a medical database as a guide for more information about a disease is one thing, but using it to diagnose patients is quite another. And besides, would you want to put your health in the hands of a fatally flawed, mistake-prone system anyway?
Just a reminder, your best defense against the flu is to treat it safely and naturally without resorting to a dangerous, useless vaccine.

USA Today August 8, 2006

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For the Health of Your Baby, Stay Away From Unnecessary Ultrasounds

Seven years ago, I warned you about the cellular damage ultrasound scans can do to your body and unborn infant based on just a 15-minute scan of mice. A new study on the prolonged, frequent use of ultrasounds on pregnant mice damaged the brains of developing mouse fetuses.
Scientists studied the effect ultrasounds have on the typical neural migration of nerve cells that extend to the cerebral cortex at a stage of development in which their pathways may be at their most vulnerable. On the 16th day of embryonic growth, more than 300 mice were injected with special biomarkers, then were exposed to ultrasounds for at least a half-hour.
Ultrasound treatments had the effect of dispersing a significant number of neurons in layers of the brain they didn't belong. Although they were careful not to scare families into avoiding ultrasounds, Yale researchers plan to study the brains of developing primates.
The moral of the study, no surprise, is to avoid all unnecessary ultrasounds and give a great deal of thought about having one at all, should the need ever arise.

USA Today August 7, 2006
ABC News August 8, 2006

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Bayer Sells AIDS-Infected Drug Banned in U.S. in Europe, Asia

Recently unearthed documents show that the drug company Bayer sold millions of dollars worth of an injectable blood-clotting medicine -- Factor VIII concentrate, intended for hemophiliacs -- to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries in the mid-1980s, although they knew that it was tainted with AIDS.
The company stopped selling the drug in the United States in 1984, but continued to sell it overseas for an additional year.
The medicine was made using combined plasma from large numbers of donors; at the time, there was no screening test for the AIDS virus, so a tiny number of donors with AIDS could inadvertently contaminate a large batch.
Unloading the Drug on the Unknowing
Records show that the company continued to sell the medicine overseas in an attempt to avoid being left with a large stock of a drug that was no longer marketable in the United States. The dangers of the drug had become well-known domestically, but the news was slower to reach other parts of the world.
However, Bayer also continued to manufacture the medicine for several months after pulling it from the market in the United States, because it was cheaper to produce than the new, safer product they were introducing as a replacement.
Although worldwide numbers are difficult to calculate, in Hong Kong and Taiwan alone, more than 100 hemophiliacs contracted HIV after using the medicine, and most have died.
FDA CollusionFDA regulators helped to keep the continued sales hidden, asking the company that the problem be ''quietly solved without alerting the Congress, the medical community and the public,'' according to the minutes of a 1985 meeting. April 2, 2006
New York Times May 22, 2003

The Most Deadly Poisons Ingested or Inhaled

Wired magazine has released a list of the 10 deadliest poisons that work either by ingestion of inhalation. They include:

Cyanide: Cyanide exposure leads to seizures, cardiac arrest, and death within minutes.
Sarin: A deadly nerve gas hundreds of times more toxic than cyanide.
Botulinum: Several orders of magnitude deadlier than sarin, this poison causes your nervous system to fail, resulting in an extremely painful death.
Mercury: Inhaled mercury vapor attacks the brain and lungs, and shuts down the central nervous system. Mercury starts turning into a gas at room temperature.
Compound 1080: This poison is odorless, tasteless, and has no antidote. The bodies of those killed with 1080 remain poisonous for a year.
Wired August 2006

Related Articles:

Deadly Mold Poisons Pet Foods
Poison for Profit -- What A Business Plan!
Mercury, Vaccines and Medicine

Toxic Contact Lens Cleaner a Long-Term Problem

Several months ago, Bausch and Lomb recalled their multipurpose contact lens solution ReNu with MoistureLoc after it was connected to eye infections caused by the fusarium fungus.
Researchers had warned of the risks of solutions such as ReNu as many as nine years ago, but manufacturers of contact lens cleaners, particularly Bausch and Lomb, downplayed the concerns.
In the late '90s, a study showed that Bausch and Lomb's ReNu MultiPlus did not kill potentially dangerous bacteria as well as other brands. Bausch and Lomb contested the research, pointing to research they had conducted themselves that contradicted the study's results.
Some researchers are now worried that some solution brands may damage the surface of the eye, in a process called corneal staining. Studies have also shown that multipurpose solutions can increase the binding of bacteria to the cells of the cornea. And a 2005 study found that lenses left soaking in ReNu with MoistureLoc could end up "covered with what appeared to be fungus."The FDA has promised to re-evaluate its testing methods for contact lens solutions.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette July 26, 2006

You can fix your vision forever for about the cost of just one eye doctor appointment and new glasses. I strongly encourage you to learn more about the Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally Program now.

Related Articles:
Eye Fungus Was No Surprise After All
New Contact Lens Material Reduces Infection Risk
Got Fungus in Your Eyes?

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Sunday, August 06, 2006


Ketek drug scandal reveals pattern of scientific fraud at the FDA

The FDA has once again been caught red-handed ignoring the dangers of a widely-prescribed drug and compromising the health of millions. Internal email messages have now surfaced about how the FDA pushed the antibiotic drug Ketek despite urgent warnings from its senior drug safety scientists. The details of this scandal further highlight the dubious operations of the Food and Drug Administration, which consistently places the profits of drug companies as a higher priority than public health.
Ketek was approved under suspicious circumstances in the first place. A key clinical trial for the drug, involving 24,000 patients, was repeatedly found to be fraudulent, according to FDA investigators. One FDA document concluded that Sanofi-Aventis hid safety dangers from the FDA -- dangers the FDA later discovered on its own.
One FDA safety scientist, Dr. Cooper, wrote, “I tried to argue that given Aventis’s track record in which they have proven themselves to be nontrustworthy that we have to consider the possibility that they are intentionally doing a poor job of collecting the postmarketing data to protect their drug sales.”
Dr. David Graham added, “For F.D.A. to refer to its being reassured by postmarketing data from Latin America and Europe as a basis for declaring ‘Ketek is safe’ is in my opinion a great abuse of such surveillance data.”
Yet the drug was approved anyway, and the FDA now cites a known fraudulent study to defend the drug and argue against its withdrawal.
Four FDA safety officials (Dr. Charles Cooper, Dr. David Ross, Dr. Rosemary Johann-Liang and Dr. David Graham) ultimately sounded the alarm over Ketek's safety in internal emails. As now seems routine at the FDA, they were ignored. (See The Rise and Fall of Rezulin to see another such example.)
A drug that can killMore than five million prescriptions have been written for Ketek since its approval in the United States. Ketek can cause loss of consciousness, blurred vision, and in rare circumstances, even death. It has so far been linked to liver failure in fourteen adults, four of which have died. Twenty-three more suffered serious liver injury. Given that the reporting of drug side effects remains voluntary in the United States, it is possible that the actual number of people harmed by Ketek is ten to twenty times larger.
Related articleFDA admits children's antibiotic could cause liver failure, but allows its sale anyway

Related articleFDA accused of suppressing drug safety information (commentary)
The FDA's power is based on censorship and intimidation, not education and empowerment. On numerous occasions, the agency has attempted to censor and / or intimidate its own scientists, including Dr. David Graham who was nearly silenced before he could testify to Congress about the dangers of Vioxx.
The greatest threat to our safety isn't terrorismAs I have stated many times, I believe the Food and Drug Administration is currently the greatest threat to the health and safety of the American people, far outweighing the threat of terrorism or violent crime. Over one hundred thousand Americans are killed each year by FDA-approved prescription drugs, and well over two million are harmed. Each year, FDA-approved drugs kill more Americans than died in the Vietnam War plus the 9/11 terrorism events combined.
The Ketek fiasco
is merely the latest in a long history of FDA negligence and fraud that makes the agency a genuine threat to the health and safety of the American people.

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Friday, August 04, 2006


Popular Cancer Drug Linked to Heart Failure

The cancer drug Gleevec could damage the heart. A study confirming this was conducted following reports that 10 leukemia patients taking Gleevec developed severe congestive heart failure. The study found that the drug kills heart muscle cells.
Novartis: More Studies Needed
Gleevec (also sold under the name Glivec) had worldwide sales of $1.2 billion in the first six months of 2006. The manufacturer, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp., argued that further research was needed to fully understand the potential dangers.
Doctors Need to be AwareThe author of the study stated that he wanted to call attention to the dangers of Gleevec and similar drugs, so that doctors would be alerted to the possible problems. July 23, 2006
Chicago Sun-Times July 24, 2006

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Conventional Health ''Experts'' Now Recommend Cervical Cancer Vaccine for Boys

The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recently recommended all young teen girls undergo a costly and needless three-stage vaccine regimen to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV), the most common cause of cervical cancer.
Now, some health "experts" want to include young boys in that HPV vaccine roundup too. In fact, a medical journal editorial claims the "best use" of the vaccine may include inoculating all men and women in addition to young teens, despite individual risk factors.
What really made my blood boil was a horrible comment in the editorial about the "real" need for this latest vaccine: We need to move toward a paradigm where this is a universal vaccine.
If the early estimates commit the federal government to a $2 billion price tag to pay for and immunize as many as 7 million girls alone, imagine the demand and payout for that totally unnecessary, useless vaccine should the CDC agree young boys and adults be included.
That's sure to be a sweet payoff for Merck, on the heels of its HPV vaccine Gardasil approved for use by the FDA in June. Still, the New Jersey drugmaker will need all the cash it can generate to pay for all the lawsuits tied to Vioxx and Fosamax.

Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 108, No. 2, August 1, 2006: 420-424
Kaiser July 31, 2006
Washington Post July 31, 2006

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Fighting Colon Cancer With Spices, Onions
Previous studies have uncovered the powerful benefits of consuming onions, rich in the antioxidant quercetin, and curcumin, the yellow spice found in turmeric and curry powders, in fighting the spread of osteoporosis and cancer. A dosage combining the chemicals of both can also limit the size and number precancerous lesions in the human intestinal tract, according to Johns Hopkins scientists.
To test the viability of quercetin and tumeric, researchers treated five colon cancer patients, all of whom had at least five adenomas in their lower intestinal tracts, with 480 mgs. of curcumin and 20 mgs. of quercetin orally three times a day for six months.
No surprise, the number of future polyps decreased in four patients by an average of some 60 percent, plus their average size fell by more than half. Even better, the side effects were limited to slight nausea, sour taste and mild, short-term diarrhea.
Curcumin may be the more potent key, however. The amount of quercetin prescribed matches what patients typically eat every day, whereas the amount of curcumin consumed is many times what one may consume daily.
Although scientists believe eating onions and curry alone may not help, it certainly can't hurt you. Just remember, your body may not react well to consuming spices like curcumin, as it is a far better barometer of your health than anything you'll ever read.
You can fight and prevent colon cancer by following a number of safe, natural tips, none of which have anything to do with taking a drug.

Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2006: 1035-1038
EurekAlert August 1, 2006

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The Safety of Inert Components in Pesticides Questioned

Evidence is mounting in regard to the toxicity of pesticides to our health, especially among farmers we rely on for our food. Fourteen states (including California, New York and Illinois) asked the EPA earlier this week to require all ingredients -- both active and inactive -- be listed on the product labels of pesticides.
Currently, the EPA merely requires pesticide manufacturers list active ingredients that eradicate weeds and insects. State representatives, on the other hand, want the EPA to mandate a listing of all inactive and inert chemicals be listed too which can encompass as much as 99 percent of a given pesticide. Makes sense, considering the agency already requires prescription drugs, foods and cosmetics to list inert substances.
The request comes at an end of the EPA's decade-long review of 237 pesticide ingredients. One pesticide -- lindane (still used to treat head lice and scabies) -- will get the boot when its current license ends.
Some EPA staff scientists worry nothing will change -- think the sorry state of affairs going on at the corrupted and compromised FDA -- as the agency bends to pressure from big business interests.
While all the political wrangling is going on, please take responsibility for your own health by following some simple steps that can reduce your exposure to pesticides. August 2, 2006
Boston Globe August 1, 2006
Los Angeles Times August 2, 2006 Registration Required

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