Thursday, June 25, 2009


Vaccine Doctor Given at Least $30 Million Dollars to Push Vaccines

Dr. Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia earned at least $29 million as part of a $182-million sale by the hospital of its worldwide royalty interest in the Merck Rotateq vaccine. The amount of income distributed to Offit could be as high as $46 million. Offit has refused to say how much he made from the vaccine.The high price placed on the patents raises concerns over Offit’s use of his former position on the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to help create the market for rotavirus vaccine -- effectively, to vote himself rich.Offit’s claim to a share of the profits from Rotateq revenues is based on his role as a listed inventor on the cluster of patents that protect Merck’s vaccine. Paul Offit had a great personal interest in Rotateq’s commercial success, and more than any other individual in the world he found himself in a position to directly influence that success. Unlike most other patented products, the market for mandated childhood vaccines is created by the recommendation of an appointed body, ACIP. From 1998 to 2003, Offit served as a member of ACIP.Sources:

Age of Autism February 16, 2009

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Monday, June 22, 2009


Oncologists speak out against antioxidants ( ? ? ? )

Dear Friend, Many oncologists are now they're telling their cancer patients to stop taking antioxidants while they're undergoing treatment. Why? Because they're saying there's chance that antioxidant supplements could be lowering the effectiveness of cancer treatments like radiation treatment and chemotherapy. Give me a break. This makes me so angry, I'm not even sure where to start.
But I'll start with oncologists, those practitioners of the dangerous quack medicine known as chemotherapy. I've been outspoken against this barbaric and often useless practice for years. Chemotherapy attacks and kills not just cancer, but it also blunts the body's immune system in the bargain. While this extreme treatment has been effective against testicular cancers and lymphocytic leukemia, there's little doubt that in many cases it's hard to tell which the "therapy" will kill first -- the cancer or the patient. In spite of what you might have been told or believe, chemotherapy is hardly the exact science that it pretends to be. And yet, on the mere hunch that antioxidants could be protecting the cancer cells that chemotherapy seeks to destroy, oncologists seem perfectly comfortable telling their patients to layoff the antioxidant supplements.
Now I've hardly been the only one to sing the praises of the amazing benefits of antioxidants. And there are indeed many pro-antioxidant docs out there who claim that they may even boost the affect of chemo and radiation therapies. Even the author of the study claiming that antioxidants are having a negative impact on these cancer treatments admits that there's just not enough data for a definitive answer. But this hasn't stopped oncologists like Gabriella D'Andrea of New York's Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center from telling her patients to avoid all supplements during their course of treatment. Since these antioxidant supplements are so damaging to chemo and radiation treatments -- so much so that not even the scant few milligrams found in a daily vitamin should be taken -- surely oncologists must recommend that their patients also avoid all foods rich in antioxidants, right? Wrong. "People ask me, 'What should I eat?'," D'Andrea says. "And we just don't know." I find it unnerving that an oncologist like D'Andrea -- heck, ANY doctor -- could have so little proof and yet so much absolute conviction that she's in the right. It's shocking. D'Andrea's closed mind just re-enforces my already poor view of oncologists and their wrong-headed -- and unproven -- methods.
Source : Daily Dose.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009


Deadly AntiPsychotics Approved for Children?

The FDA – or at least its advisory panel – has lost its collective mind. Or maybe they're so enamored by Big Pharma and its big money that they see nothing the very lives of our children.In a crushingly disappointing decision, the FDA advisory panel has voted to approve three dangerous – sometimes deadly – drugs for use in our children. Even though these drugs are known to increase the risk of weight gain, diabetes, high cholesterol, and DEATH. (And those are just a few of the life-threatening problems linked to them.)Based on results in ADULTS, the three (potentially) lethal drugs – Seroquel, Zyprexa, and Geodon – all come with black box warnings, and an alarming list of side effects and adverse event reports. These drugs should be pulled from the markets, not given to children.Bottom line: If the doctor wants to prescribe one of these drugs for your child, find another --Michele

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Thursday, June 04, 2009



Mainstream medicine regularly ignores iodine. You’ll probably only hear about it if you have thyroid problems. But iodine is an essential mineral. It’s responsible for the production of every hormone in your body, not just the thyroid.
Iodine has anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, and anti-cancer properties. Without it, you are at risk for cancer of the breast, prostate, ovaries, thyroid, and uterus.

I also have the following additional symptoms, which have been reported more frequently in people with hypothyroidism:
____ My hair is falling out____ I can’t seem to remember things____ I have no sex drive____ I am getting more frequent infections, that last longer____ I’m snoring more lately____ I have/may have sleep apnea____ I feel shortness of breath and tightness in the chest____ I feel the need to yawn to get oxygen____ My eyes feel gritty and dry____ My eyes feel sensitive to light____ My eyes get jumpy/tics in eyes, which makes me dizzy/vertigo and have headaches____ I have strange feelings in neck or throat____ I have tinnitus (ringing in ears)____ I get recurrent sinus infections____ I have vertigo____ I feel some lightheadedness____ I have severe menstrual cramps
However, It’s pretty safe ingesting iodine through food sources, but when you go for supplementation–well, that’s another story. You can overdose on it quite easily. Allergies to iodine seem to be common. So supplement with supervision on this one.
Food Sources of Iodine:Asparagus
Lima beans
Sea salt and fortified salt
Sesame seeds
Summer squash
Swiss chard
Turnip greens
Are you getting enough of these in your diet?
Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It (4th Edition By David Brownstein, M.d. and a Bottle of Old Fashioned Lugol's Iodine (2 Fl. Oz.)

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