Sunday, July 26, 2009


Swine Flu Swindle

The FDA has decided to swindle us. First they laid the groundwork by scaring us with their ridiculous swine flu estimates. Then they rushed to the rescue, telling us to rely on Tamiflu and Relenza...two potentially dangerous drugs that, by the way, are already implicated in creating a drug- resistant strain of the flu. And now they've apparently decided that it doesn't matter if those drugs are effective -- as long as doctors hand them out anyway. The FDA is allowing -- actually calling for, endorsing, promoting! -- the use of expired Tamiflu and Relenza. In fact, the agency decided under its SLEP (Shelf Life Extension Program...the name says it all) that four batches of antiviral drugs that expired in June 2009 now expire in May 2011. Magic! And that's not all... To make sure government agencies can use up all their already bought and paid for and stockpiled, no matter what, they've also decided to waive their own standards. Now even improperly stored Relenza and Tamiflu will be deemed safe and effective for use...even in infants. Of course, none of this is common knowledge. But it should be -- that's why HSI is bringing you this information when no one else is. You have the right to know that the course of Tamiflu your doctor prescribes may be expired, and may not have been properly stored. (Not to mention the potential adverse effects of Tamiflu!) Do you still want to take it?--Michele

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Thursday, July 02, 2009


This Artificial Insulin Causes Cancer?

This just in: Artificial insulin product Lantus may increase the risk of several kinds of cancer.FDA scientists reviewed four studies...three of which demonstrated a link between Lantus and cancer. In fact, a German study found a possible 31% increased cancer risk for diabetics using Lantus. And a Swedish study showed that patients taking Lantus faced double the risk for breast cancer.While scientists are calling for further investigation, the FDA is doing...nothing.What you can do to protect yourself: Ask your doctor to switch you off Lantus immediately. Natural insulin has been used for decades with no evidence of increased cancer risk.--Michele

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