Sunday, October 28, 2007


FDA Panel Urges Ban on Children's Cold Medicine

A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted Friday to ban popular over-the-counter cold products intended for children under the age of 6.
The panel found there was no proof that the medicines eased cold symptoms in children, while there are rare reports that they have caused serious harm.
If put into practice, the ban could transform pharmacy shelves and change the way parents cope with the most common illness in young children.
New York Times October 20, 2007

Drugs and Diseases, Not Aging, are the True Causes of Sleep Problems for the Elderly
“Older people complain more about their sleep; they just do,” said Dr. Michael Vitiello, a sleep researcher who is a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington. And for years, sleep scientists thought they knew ...

These Drugs Will Make You Deaf, As Well As Blind

Seven months after the first indication that erectile dysfunction drugs can cause deafness, the FDA has issued a warning and revised the labels of Cialis, Levitra, and Viagra.In April of this year, the Journal of Laryngology & Otology published a case report by two researchers at an Air Force hospital in Bangalore, India. A 44-year-old man had suddenly lost his hearing after taking Viagra for 15 days. Since then, other cases have been reported. For most victims, the effects appear to be permanent.
Wired October 21, 2007 October 22, 2007

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